first days as a freshman

with the ending of summer and the beginning of fall, I began my first classes at the local community college. in Missouri, if you participate in 50 hours of tutoring and have a certain gpa, you can get free tuition at community colleges- which I took advantage of. 

I've lived in the same small town my entire life and had gone to the same small school all the way from preschool until my senior year. so, because of that, I've known all the teachers, all my classmates, and have felt safe in my small little bubble that is bourbon high school. the adjustment from high school to college has not been a huge change, but it has been different. especially with what I've been accustomed to. going in with practically no friends, and not knowing what to really expect, I went in with a fair amount of nerves. I wasn't necessarily nervous because of school, just the prospect of change. the change of setting, the change of company, the change of pace. I am considered a full time student, but I took a pretty light load this semester, going on Tuesdays and Thursdays and only taking 13 credit hours. between my junior and senior year, I finished with 18 credits already so there was no need to take an abundance of classes. 

although I'm not going to a big university and I know several people I graduated with going to school with me, it has been a definite reality check. I may not be getting the full "college experience" this next year and a half, but I have noticed the obvious difference between high school and college. the main difference, I've realized, is that I am no longer a child anymore. this is the beginning of my adulthood. I also have to go and make new friends, and that the friends I've had since forever are going to uni-hours away,-going into the work force, or going into the army. again, the reality check hits me. 

the first few weeks of class really haven't been terrible, I just hate having to be back in school. I know the semester will fly by (hopefully) and that I will begin to make a couple friends. I also know I will soon slip into my bad habits of procrastination and have a mental breakdown because of all the work I will have to do and the exams I will have to prepare for.  lol.  
until next time xx
-thats so lillian                    


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